Restaurant Wine Pricing - Different Sized Glasses....What Gives?

So we have noticed a trend in a number of restaurants, they offer either small, medium, or large or just small and large glasses of wine.  We have seen 3 oz, 5 oz, and 7 oz glasses of wine on the menu.  We don't really like this trend, shouldn't we just get a glass of wine?  Do we really need to think in terms of size?  There was once a 5 or 6 oz glass and that was it. 

We can see the benefit to the restaurant in terms of selling more glasses of wine in numbers, but honestly does that really make sense from a customer perspective?  You are most likely making more on the small glass of wine (generally speaking) but the customer really isn't getting the value of the money.  Does the restaurant feel like it is offering more options to their guests?  If you charge an average price for an average size glass, then if I want more I will order more.  Do I need to worry about the size?  We would say that 3 oz is a pretty small quantity for wine.  It makes less sense to even offer that as an option.  We can certainly see it being an option for someone who is trying to decide what they like but our take is that any good bartender or server would offer a small sample to the customer for anything that is served by the glass to let the guest taste the wine.

The same goes for the large, do we need to give someone a huge glass of wine?  There is an obvious attraction to certain folks who are out to pour some wine down their throats for the night.  But, it encourages excess drinking for a beverage that really doesn't lend itself to doing that.

So, anyone in the hospitality industry (or anyone at all) care to comment?  Why does this trend seem to be expanding?

Keep on drinking (one regular glass at a time)!

Chris & Shannon


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