The Wine Blog - Self-Serving Or Public Serving? We'd like to think the Latter

The Blogger went on to suggest (in a very shoot from the hip manner) that the art form of Wine writing has been killed by the 140 character tweet-speak. Finally, the Blogger discusses how Wine Bloggers judge themselves on the popularity of their Blogs and gather some sort of self-worth from it and that they live and die by the Comments left on their little forlorn Posts. It was an interesting read to say the least, but it sure shone the light on what we had not considered when starting this Blog....Critics and Wet Blankets.
While we certainly do not confess to being Wine industry 'Insiders', we do feel as though our little Blog no matter how minorly popular or hidden is an opportunity to attempt to bring what we consider to be an enjoyable and ever-interesting topic of discussion to the forefront. Is it a soap-box? Yup! Does it make us feel self-important? Maybe, but only in as much as we have lots to say on this topic and we want to share it. Self-aggrandizing might be a bit of a stretch.
Anyone who looks down their nose at the work of another with a holier than thou attitude obviously has lost sight of one important thing when it comes to writing about wine. Passion. We, along with many other Wine folk on the internet do it because of the enjoyment of opening a bottle on any given night and having something stop you dead in your tracks because it is so good. That could apply to a Grapefruit League baseball game, a painting in a random local art gallery, the best steak you ever ate, or a 2007 bottle of Whatever that hits you in the right spot at the right moment. That is what we are after and that is what we want to discuss with everyone. All opinions/experiences welcome. We would hate to be the guy or gal who is writing about wine without passion. Punching a clock, hitting a deadline, rolling their eyes at yet another tasting. That friends, is the definition of depressing.
Anywho, back off the soapbox. More wine drinking in the coming days. As always opinions, comments, questions, criticisms.....are welcomed.
Keep on drinking!
Chris & Shannon
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