'Harvest' - Another Wine Documentary That Looks Good...

We found the link to this one on WineBusiness.com. It is another Wine-related Documentary this time about the drama around the 2011 Sonoma Valley harvest. It gets into the lack of glamour around what it takes to work the vineyards to make the product enjoyed around the world. Lots of human stories and business on the line. This is another one we hope to see in the near future. Check out the trailer:

FYI, this was a crowd-sourced and supported movie and they raised over $6000 for the funding of the project.

On a separate note, Shannon has been knocked down with Strep throat so the wine tasting for the next week or so will be spotty at best. Passing her all the good Karma for a speedy recovery because...dammit...I can't drink all this wine by myself. :)

Keep on drinking (Strep-Free)!

Chris & Shannon
