Wine Review - Middle Sister Mischief Maker Cabernet Sauvignon: Great Flavour from a Mysterious Wine

This wine from the Middle Sister Wines in California caught our eye at our local NSLC Port of Wines.  At $18 locally it is a nice wine with a very interesting marketing concept (check out their website at the link above).  This wine is supposedly 80% Cabernet with 20% of other Red Varieties (no details provided).  This wine also does not have a year on the label so it could be a 2010 or 2001 (it sure does not taste like a 2001) so we are thinking that it is a more recent vintage grouping.

We decanted it and tried it with a braised lamb dinner and it was delicious.  The wine really goes beyond the marketing play.  It is a fairly soft red overall.  It has a some nice ripe fruit and dried herbs.  On their website it says there was no oak, and we believe that to be true.  The tannins in the wine are fairly round and has some earthiness to it.  It is pretty nice for a non-descript wine.

The flavours are plums and the website says cocoa (and we'll buy into that).  It is fairly full bodied overall and is a nice California Cab and makes us want to try the rest of their roster which is quite large with 10 total wines in their portfolio.

   Tasting Notes: Score:
Sight (0-5) Dark red wine which sticks to the glass.  Looks like a Cab 4.0
Smell (0-5) Plum and blueberry with dried herbs and a little sweetness on the nose. 4.0
Taste (0-10) Dry red wine with dark fruit and a touch of cocoa. 8.5
  Total: 16.5 / 20

Great wine with an elegance and a lot of flavour into it.  Nice dinner wine.

Keep on drinking!

Chris & Shannon
