Wine Marketers Be Aware! The Millenials Are Coming!

Ahhhh to be young again (not that we Gen X'ers are old per se) and full of vigor and be a generation of tech savvy, market wary consumers. This group has a minor traveling road show all about the enjoyment of wine. Such a good idea! They are pulling in their contemporaries to talk and taste wine and generally play up the wine lifestyle. This is bit of promotion they are doing and as you can see they are "kind of a big deal" (Wait that's our line!)

Check out their website at:
The Marvelous Millenial Wine Circus

Keep on drinking!

Chris & Shannon


  1. Thanks for the love. Too bad you can't come out and see the #winecircus!


  2. Would love to...but keep us Canadians in mind if you ever feel the need to make it a World Tour. :)


    Chris & Shannon


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