Wine Review - 2011 Hardys Stamp Of Australia Shiraz Cabernet: A Pretty Darn Nice Wine For Under $13

We were provided this wine from Hardys and to be quite honest we have had this one a few years ago or so and it was not a hit.  At that time, as we recall it, the wine did not have a lot going for it and it was one of those wines that we probably finished off under duress (but we did finish it....of course).  So, we had a little bit of trepidation in trying this one again.  At $12.50 locally it is not a huge financial commitment but we were hopeful that the Quality-Price Ratio is going to be better this time around.

Lucky for is.

This is quite a nice wine with a lot of softness and a surprising amount of balance....we were really floored.

The colour of the wine reflects a lot of deep ruby and dark cherry tones.  It is a little on the thin side but wow, it looks really nice.

The smells coming off the wine are pretty bold and reflect a lot of vanilla, some bing cherry and even a touch of pipe tobacco.  It packs a wallop when you stick your face in the glass.  Again, we are very pleasantly surprised.

As we mentioned above, there is a softness to the wine.  While the nose is bold, the palate is a lot more about balance and soft fruit and oak.  We really like the fact there is a bit of hotness (14.0%) but it is balanced out by a touch of residual sugar associated with the Shiraz and some fruit forwardness.  The wine finishes a little on the tart/tannic side which is not bad but seems to us to be a reasonable attribute of a wine at this price point.  Not sure how the wines that came after our poor experience tasted but we are kicking ourselves that we didn't go back to this wine sooner.    

   Tasting Notes: Score:
Sight (0-5) Deep ruby and dark cherry tones, looks a little on the thin side. 4.0
Smell (0-5) Fairly powerful nose with a lot of oak/vanilla, bing cherry, and pipe tobacco.  Bold nose, we like it. 4.25
Taste (0-10) Soft oak and fruit are in balance with a bit of a tart finish but overall really good.  7.75
  Total: 16.0 / 20 (80%)

At $12.50 the 2011 version of this wine is worth the investment.  This is another everyday drinker that will go with food or be good on its own.

Keep on tasting!

Chris & Shannon


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