Wine Review - 2008 Wente Riverbank Riesling: Crisp And Boozy Sweet Wine

This was a sale table item from Bishop's Cellar, one of our favorite local private wine retailers.  Originally priced at $22.50 it is on sale for $15 so how could we even possibly say no.  This wine is a blend of 79% White Riesling, 19% Gewurtz, and 2% Orange Muscat (new one to us) from Wente Vineyards in California.  At 13% alcohol this goes well above the normal range of most German Rieslings but that extra booze doesn't hurt it.  In fact, it helps keep it from being a pure dessert wine.  Back in April we reviewed their Southern Hills Cabernet Sauvignon which we thoroughly enjoyed (that wine review is here).

The wine is a little on the golden side in the glass.  It is almost peach colour; let's call it clear peach juice.  The wine is very clear but the colour is not at all light which many Rieslings can be known to have.  There is a yellowish hue that some might consider coming from oak aging but it looks to have been stainless aged only.  Overall it is an interesting look for a Riesling.

The nose is curiously tropical with a papaya and pear smell that hits you first, followed closely by peaches and according to the video below, some cloves.  Which we can see being in there for sure but to take it step further we are smelling butter pecan pie which would be great with the upcoming American Thanksgiving.  The wine AND the pie, that is.

The flavours are, as you would expect, bordering the crisp acidic and sweet.  Peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream is a note we get.  The warmer the wine gets in the glass, the more the sugars come out.  The acidity is there and thank goodness for that.  There is absolutely a honey character to the wine that also increases as the wine warms up.  The warmer it gets the closer to dessert wine it gets.  We like it as a dessert wine but it is better cold and more approachable as a food wine.  We had it with lobster risotto and that was a great pairing as a chilled white.  So, if the sugar aspect of Riesling is what gets you going then pull the wine out of the fridge 20 minutes before you open it.

Now that you have our review, let's hear from the winery:

So, we are on the same page.  Maybe not exactly on the same page, but close.

   Tasting Notes: Score:
Sight (0-5) Slightly golden wine which does not necessarily remind us of Riesling but it is not an oaked Chardonnay look either. 3.75
Smell (0-5) Tropical Papaya, Peach, and Pear notes with a spiced undertone.  They say clove and we can buy that. 4.0
Taste (0-10) The colder the wine the more crispness stands out.  The warmer it gets the more honeyed and sweet it gets.  Bottom line, we like it cold.   7.75
  Total: 15.5 / 20 (77.5%)

This is a really nice wine and at $15 it is a perfectly priced wine.  At $22.50 it might be a bit more of a head-scratcher.  We have had German Riesling with more balance in the $15 - 17 range so this would be a challenge purchase at that price.  As it stands we were super happy to pay $15 and we really enjoyed it with our dinner.

Keep on tasting,

Chris & Shannon
